Frequently Asked Questions

How is Playced different than other recruiting services/websites?

Easily, the biggest difference is our ability to match student-athletes with the right colleges. Our Matching Engine and recruiting advisors not only give you an accurate evaluation of your abilities, we also pinpoint every program in the country where you have the best chance to land a scholarship.

Player Resume - The Playced Player Resume works differently than other recruiting website profiles. It was designed by college coaches to provide them with everything they need to evaluate any player, in any sport, at first glance. Simply, share your resume with college coaches using our communication platform. Additionally, Playced includes your resume in frequent scouting reports sent to college coaches requesting and searching for players like you.

The Playced Matching Engine indicates how good of a match any college is for you, based on your academic and athletic abilities.

We protect your privacy and never sell personal information to third parties.

We do not cross-sell additional products or services and you will not be bothered by emails from affiliated companies.

How does the Player Resume work?

The Playced Player Resume can be completed by an athlete in just a few minutes. The resume includes your GPA, test scores, all important stats, your highlight video and a coach comment section to provide feedback from your current coach. Simply, share your resume with college coaches using our communication platform. Additionally, Playced includes your resume in frequent scouting reports sent to college coaches requesting and searching for players like you.

How much does a membership cost?

Free. There is no cost to access our site and software. You control your own recruiting destiny with Playced.

What do I get with My Playced Membership?

Visit our Plans page to see a detailed description of a Playced Membership.

What does the Playced Matching Engine consider in determining an athlete’s matching college?

The Playced Matching Engine factors:

  1. Age
  2. Projected athletic development
  3. Athletic skill set
  4. Current statistics
  5. Honors and achievements
  6. GPA
  7. ACT/SAT score (if known)
  8. High School graduating class size
  9. College budget
  10. Area of the country or state
  11. Preferred school size
  12. Preferred major (if decided)

Can you explain how team plans and the Coach Dashboard work?

Playced offers free access to teams, also. When a team registers for a plan, the Coach’s Dashboard is free and all the players on that team receive a team promo code that is tied to that Coach's Dashboard.

Each player on the team creates an individual Player Resume. Then, they create a list of Favorite colleges to pursue. The Player Resume and Favorites List are linked to their Coach’s Dashboard. This makes it easy for the coach to be involved in the recruiting process for all of his or her players. The coach can review the player’s stats, suggest other colleges and contact college coaches directly from their dashboard.

How do I find the right colleges to pursue?

Search for colleges based on our Matching Engine or your personal preferences. The Matching Engine will tell how well you match with each school, from 0-5 stars.

How often can I change personal, athletic and academic information?

Once you register a Playced membership, you can change your information as many times as you like, whenever you'd like!

What does each college report include?

College location, size, level, cost, coach’s contact information, college application link and a link to that school’s website.

How do I change my username or password?

To change your username or password, log in to the site using your current information. Then click the “Sign In” tab and the “view my account” prompt. Your email address and/or password can then be changed.

I forgot my password.

No problem. Simply click the link “forgot your password” on the sign in tab, enter your email in the required field, click reset and we will send you a new password.